Wednesday, November 16, 2011


If you haven't joined me on my new challenge page, click HERE it's a page where we gather people together to challenge ourselves to become better mentally and physically. Whether your goals are weight related or not, this is a great page where we evaluate the way we think in conjunction with our goals. I've come to realize that when our heads are full of clutter, we aren't able to fully flourish as the people we were designed to be. Please spread the word about the challenge, the more people participating, the better the encouragement and motivation will be for each of us participating.

My cleanse has been disrupted by antibiotics and infection. My body is struggling lately, and I've started to read Alejandro Junger's book "Clean" which outlines the toxicity of our Earth and our bodies and how it all ties together. I've been having a lot of symptoms over the years, symptoms my body has been yelling "HELP ME" over, yet I've not heeded it's call. I'm 34, and as of late, I've experienced chronic joint pain, headaches, dizziness, skin infections, low immune system, fatigue, muscle pain, back pain, head fogginess, easy bruising, moodiness, and more. I've had every lab test in the book, and guess what?! They are all NORMAL.

In Dr. Junger's book, he shares his story of a similar barrage of symptoms. TOXICITY and not toxicity like you hear about in modern medicine relating to massive infection or overdose, poisoning, etc; but toxicity from our exposure to environmentals, medications, pesticides in food, hormones in food, chemicals in food, additives, preservatives, and things we can't avoid like pollution, etc. Dr. Junger shares a cleanse program in this book that has changed many lives, even endorsed by Gweneth Paltrow. So, I will continue to read and continue to share with you, but my goal is to begin a 21 day cleanse using "Clean" starting December 1. In the mean time, I will still begin my challenge on November 21 along with the challenge group, incorporating "Clean" when I return from vacation.

So, yes, my current cleanse was interrupted due to a skin infection that occurred in my ear canal, requiring a visit to the emergency room and a visit to an ENT for two minor procedures to attempt to drain the infection. Now I am on mega antibiotics and antibiotic/steroid ear drops to boot. Not exactly the best way to cleanse your body. It is what it is, however. I was on antibiotics about 8 weeks ago when I came down with bronchitis that lasted 6 weeks. As you can see, I'm desperate to heal my body and modern medicine is NOT doing the job. So, I'm taking matters into my own hands December 1.

One of the things I've struggled with for years is losing weight. I can exercise 2 hours a day 4-5 days a week, have caloric deficits 90% of the time yet I lost 4 pounds in 6 months. Some of that is food combinations, I can't do a high carb load diet, which I am learning and I've got to stay away from sugars. It was a year ago that I stopped working out 2 hours a day, when I forfeited my gym membership for a new house. I swore to myself that I would keep up with it at home, I bought a treadmill on Craigslist and a weight set, along with a couple of workout videos. Did I keep up with it? No, the distraction of things to do at home insured my treadmill collected dust. So, here I am a year later, and desperately trying to find the combination that works for me. As I'm learning, this process will have to start with detox, clean the plate before you fill it up again.

My hopes are to find that not only does my body start repairing itself with the cleanse, but that my mind clears and the entire process becomes an easier task. Mind and body are connected, when our body is toxic, our mind is toxic. We can't think clearly, we are depressed, etc. When we clean out our body, our mind no longer has a rush of toxins either which makes the whole body healing process a lot more enjoyable (so I'm told……). I have to say "Clean" is a very interesting book…Dr. Junger does have some more metaphysical, new age thoughts, which are NOT me, but I can see past those and gain valuable scientific information in spite of our differing belief systems.

I can hardly wait to finish the book, get a good plan in place, and begin. We will be traveling for Thanksgiving which will be an interesting way to start a new challenge. My goals are to avoid overindulgence an do my best to incorporate eating cleanER then I normally would in a holiday setting. I really can't believe I'm saying "holiday." Is it really that time of year again? My goal this season is to lose weight, gain clarity and start healing my body; unlike years past where I binge on sugar and find myself 10 pounds heavier.

Please do join my challenge, I don't want to try to do this alone. I thrive best when a community of people are sharing ideas and successes, and my best guess is many people do.

Until next time…..

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